A demonstration of functional use of typography and imagery in a digital book format. The aim of the project was to make use of AR technology and showcase an idea of where media could be going in a digital age. The question is—how can you visually express yourself within the bounds of typographical law? How can a book experience feel more alive and make use of current digital technology?
The element of this project that was important to figure out was how to apply the AR idea to the project. Figure out which platform would cater to my needs for the project best was key. I ended up settling on EyeJack. The fee necessary to have everything up seems reasonable and you also have the option of contacting them directly to have a plan created that is more suited to your project needs.
The sketch phase was mainly to assist in figuring out which voice memos where to be included as content for the book and how they were going to be laid out. Setting up the document, creating guides and good hierarchy of fonts was also part of my sketch phase.